Cauda equina syndrome occurs due to a large central disc herniation. This acutely compresses the cauda equina, the nerves which control the bladder, bowel, sexual functions and leg functions. Whilst the patient will present with common symptomology such as back pain, there are “red flag” symptoms which ought to raise the index of suspicion in the examining doctors. These include saddle anaesthesia, perineal numbness, sphincter disturbance and/or bilateral leg pain.
The medical consensus is that surgical treatment is urgent in most cases, and it is thought that decompression, by way of surgery, will maximise the patient’s recovery. Patients suffering from cauda equina frequently present to their GPs or to A&E Departments. Difficulties arise in treatment and care due to misdiagnosis of the condition and a resulted delay in the provision of appropriate treatment and care to the patient.
O’Reilly Stewart Healthcare solicitors have acted frequently on behalf of the victims of misdiagnosis and mistreatment of cauda equina syndrome. We have secured high value settlements on behalf of clients to cover not only the loss sustained by virtue of the injury, but also the costs of future care, occupational therapy, physiotherapy and aids and equipment. Substantial sums have been recouped in relation to loss of earnings and loss of pension occasioned by virtue of the loss of employment that may follow from a failure to diagnose and treat the cauda equina.
If you have suffered injury and loss by virtue of misdiagnosed or delayed diagnosis, please contact us by phone on 028 9032 1000 for free advice about making a claim.