O’Reilly Stewart Solicitors specialises in advice relating to Education law in Northern Ireland. We act on behalf of universities, schools and Boards of Governors on a broad range of legal issues arising in education.
We are the appointed Solicitors in Northern Ireland for members of the Association of School and College Leaders. We are also involved with the provision of seminars in Education law in conjunction with Legal Island and the Headmasters’ and Headmistresses’ Conference (HMC) Teacher Training.
O’Reilly Stewart has the expertise to provide comprehensive services in the following areas of Education Law:
- Admissions
- Transfer to Post-Primary education
- Suspensions and Expulsions
- Educational Appeal Tribunals
- Judicial Review in Education
- Freedom of Information & Data Protection
- Child Protection
- Implementation and Drafting of Policies
- Responsibilities of Boards of Governors
- Employment Rights
- Stress and Bullying
- Legislative Reform
- Department of Education Northern Ireland (DENI) Guidance and Circulars
- Special Educational Needs