Double Half Marathon For Janet

13 September 2024

Janet Williamson Director is normally navigating the particulars of property transactions, ensuring a smooth transition for clients on their property journey, however last weekend Janet stepped out of her comfort zone and took part in the Great North Run raising money for causes close to her heart both Alzheimer’s Society and Dementia NI.   Janet and her family have been personally affected by this terrible disease and have seen firsthand how it strips a person of everything we take for granted. There are so many people suffering from it in NI and across the UK yet there is no cure.

Janet finished the half marathon in a very respectable 2 hours 20 mins and has raised over £2,000 to date, but she isn’t done yet and being a glutton for punishment is also taking part in Belfast Half Marathon on 22 September making it 2 half marathons in two weeks!!

Thank you to everyone who has donated so generously. If you would like to support Janet’s fundraising efforts you can donate through the following link

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