Case Studies: Personal Injury

Compensation for Motorcycle Accident

O’Reilly Stewart were instructed on behalf of Mr P following a motorcycle accident in October 2016. Dionne Darragh acted.

Mr P was riding his motorcycle through a traffic light junction, when the other driver failed to stop at a red light and collided with his motorcycle. The vehicle hit his left foot, but he was not knocked off his motorcycle. Liability was accepted following lengthy pre-proceeding negotiations. There was no damage to the motorcycle.

Mr P later attended the Ulster Hospital A&E. His left foot was x-rayed and there was no evidence of any fracture.

Independent medical evidence was obtained to report on the level of soft tissue injuries sustained. Mr P instructed that he continued to experience discomfort after long periods on his feet, particularly upon return from work in the evening. The medical evidence confirmed that the dorso-lateral aspect of his left foot and the lateral aspect of his left ankle was notably tender and uncomfortable on examination. An MRI confirmed features of trauma to the peroneal tendon, anterior talofibular ligament, the sinus tarsi and dorsum of the calcaneo-cuboid joint.

As medical examination took place over 18 months post-accident, the independent medical expert was of the opinion that the symptoms were unlikely to improve without intervention or treatment in the future, namely an injection to the left ankle or arthroscopic debridement of the ankle and sinus tarsi.

In light of the medical evidence and concerns regarding future treatment, we entered into pre-proceeding discussions with the at fault driver’s insurer. Mr P had not sought any medical attention post-accident. He instructed that he would not welcome future treatment and was keen to resolve his claim.

Pre-proceeding negotiations proved successful and we settled the claim in the sum of £20,000.

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