Case Studies: Healthcare

Claim for Pressure Sores at Residential Care Home Settled

O’Reilly stewart recently resolved a claim where we were instructed by the family of patient in a residential care home. The patient was extremely vulnerable in terms of pressure sores as she was elderly, had vascular issues, and had recently sustained an injury which resulted in restricted mobility.

She developed very serious pressure sores and on discovery of same, she was transferred to a nursing care home where appropriate care was put in place. Our client’s family felt that inadequate steps were taken in the residential care home to prevent the development of serious pressure sores.

An investigation took place within the relevant NHS Trust which identified serious failings in care in respect of our client. We obtained expert evidence from an independent expert on prevention of pressure sores which confirmed the care provided was substandard. After indicating our client’s intention to issue proceedings for personal injury, the insurers for the residential home indicated their willingness to engage in settlement talks at an early stage.

The matter was complicated by the fact that unfortunately our client died of unrelated causes only a few months after the development of the pressure sores. Ultimately, following a period of negotiations, the case was resolved for £12,500 without admission of liability.

Our client’s family had the following kind words to say: 

“I chose O’Reilly Stewart to represent my family in a sensitive case involving a parent. This was one of the best decisions I have made. I can only describe it as professionally dealt with and we as a family were kept up to date and informed with relevant information. In a world of hustle and bustle it was refreshing and reassuring to know that there are still companies who care for their clients / customers and show the respect they deserve, while doing this with professionalism and care. Thank you to O’Reilly Stewart.” 


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