Case Studies: Healthcare

£45,000 Compensation for failure to treat vaginal tear from Childbirth

Dionne Darragh of O’Reilly Stewart Solicitors acted on behalf a Client who sustained significant injuries during the birth of her baby in 2017. During the course of the birth, she sustained a perineal tear which was recognised and repaired appropriately.  However, our client continued to experience an extreme amount of pain and discomfort. Despite hospital investigations, it transpired that our client had sustained an additional labial tear during birth which was undetected.

These failures to detect and repair this tear to the labium minora caused delayed healing and infection in the wound, an increase in discomfort associated with the wound and a resulting anatomical distortion, when it did heal, subsequently requiring surgical correction.

In addition, our client suffered significant urinary retention complications and psychological injuries as a result.

Dionne Darragh obtained a report from a Consultant Gynaecologist, who supported our client’s claim that the additional labial tear was not recognised or repaired immediately and this most likely delayed healing, increased the chance of infection and increased discomfort to our client.

Additionally, the independent expert evidence concluded that if the labial tear had been repaired immediately, it would have healed normally, would have caused less discomfort and would not have required surgical intervention to correct.

High Court proceedings were issued on behalf of our client and following lengthy negotiations £45,000 in compensation was awarded in advance of Trial.

Client testimonial “Dionne, I honestly do not know how to thank you for everything over the last few years.  Your lovely approach and sensitivity throughout this process has really helped.  Thank you for getting me justice, recognition and much needed closure.  I will be eternally grateful.”

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